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Aqsa Aswar - KACA Kreatif Skip to content
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Aqsa Aswar

Aqsa Aswar is a Jet-Ski Athlete and a World Champion that has won a Gold Medal in the ASEAN GAMES 2018, located in Ancol, Jakarta, Indonesia. Aqsa has been active on Jet-Ski Racing since he was 6 years old. Aqsa is also the founder of Kopi BotolKaca, which was established in 2020 during the pandemic. Aqsa is fun, energetic, easy-going, and an active individual. His active lifestyle has always been interpreted in his daily life since the beginning of his Jet-ski career. He also likes to share his fitness and travel through his social media. He has collaborated with numerous luxury fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton, Dior, Kenzo, Blvgari, but not limited to that, he also has collaborated with skincare brands such as Kiehl’s, Shiseido, L’oreal.