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Daffa Wardhana - KACA Kreatif Skip to content
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Daffa Wardhana

Daffa Wardhana is an activist, actor & content creator.. Sprightly enthusiast in the entertainment industry, Daffa has been involved in many artworks projects such as film, commercial ads, and fashion publicities. Known for his fluid talents & prospect, notable brands such as Lanvin, Louis Vuitton, Coach, & L’Occitane has trusted his media platform. As a sports devotee, he founded an eco activewear called Sigga. His persistence in Jiu Jitsu has brought him tons of victorious triumphs.

His passion for delivering goodwill change is focused on environmental, humanitarian, education, and Indonesian culture awareness. He is part of a youth association called NKRI Youth, Indonesian foremost heritage mover – WBI Foundation and prime mover of a podcast program called Tuju(h), which represents the youth’s dilemma & aspiring dreams. 

As a fiery driven personal, his enthusiasm to congregate other individuals to make changes, maintain and create his personal media platform has been his spark of interest and volition.